Want to lower your international shipping costs for components, small assemblies and complete machines? Talk to XPAC. We are your most cost-effective hub for numerous domestic and international suppliers. We offer you The Total Package® - including receiving products that originate at different places and ship to a common destination, inventory management, warehousing, expediting, and international compliant, part protection services. We consolidate your products into sea containers using weight and cube objectives, and you can trust us to expedite the arrival of critical parts through air freight packaging and shipping modes. XPAC can complete dis-assembly and packaging operations to transform complete machines into containerized components versus RORO cargo. With our significant interior and exterior storage spaces and equipment capabilities, XPAC can handle your products - from very small parts to very large machines.

Apply hereor in person at 525 10th Avenue East Milan, IL. XPAC is an equal opportunity employer.

From small component parts to complete machines and assemblies, XPAC is a total supply-chain solutions provider. We have the expertise and facilities to provide service through the complete supply-chain lifecycle, including:
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